Monday 27 October 2014

Character Ideas

The Overall Character choices we could use where:

Shoemaker's boy

Our objective is to choose one of these characters and iterate to match our chosen time period.  With my chosen time period, some ideas of samurai's come to mind, also I have to take into consideration what some objects would look like with my chosen character.  As an annoyance, we are not allowed to do the dog, I think some people are persuading the tutor's if they can do the dogs but not as dog's more as humans. (originally if we weren't given time period I was thinking of a mixture of Ancient Egyptian and Steampunk, wonder how that would turned out).

Some first thoughts about the characters can to mind, related to 'The Tinderbox' but in my own time period...

Soldier: Samurai, though at the first group crit, I found out that samurai's where mostly gone then, so that idea was kinda far-fetched.
Witch: young or old maiden in a kimono
Princess: Young pretty maiden.
Soldier: Simple farmer who had been forced to go to war.

Although I did have some ideas for the other character's I kinda let them go because they didn't really clash with the time period.


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