Sunday 19 October 2014

Silhouette's, First Try

I was given the theme of Edo Japan to work with.  I had also just read The Tinderbox, and had to create silhouette's based around the characters in the story. These first sketches where mostly random, taking between 1-3 minutes for each one, some I got inspiration from the music I was listening to at the time, some I was thinking about Edo Japan but most where just random.  Not to mention this was the first time I'd used a graphic's tablet in ages.

A few days later, I got a couple of books out of the Library on the Edo period.  I decided that I will do the witch as my chosen character, I then started to do quick kimono sketches based on what I found in those books, Specifically Hokusai and His Age.  I picked a few out of these to develop further into my next stage of my character.  I think I chose around 8-12 different silhouette's to iterate to the next level.

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