Wednesday 19 November 2014

Iterations research and work!!!

Though through my silhouettes, i had my character design, i needed to do more iterations to my designs before i could produce a final image, and so my research began:

Facial structure: for facial structure, seeing as my character was going to be cut up and disappearing i decided do give in a unique face, in a group crit somebody suggested that i make half the face old and whither, i decided to do just that, and that stayed with me throughout the rest of the designs, these designs where just to give an idea into different faces, most of these came from random thoughts, while other's came from pictures.
Hairstyles: for these i looked at the type of hairstyle's that kimono women have, i got a mixture of pics, afterwards i began to draw out and then added value studies to my design, overall i think i spent about a day on this piece, even though i knew i had to stick to the edo period, i was hoping a little to do no.3 as one of my hairstyles, but i don't regret making my end choice, my personal favourite's are number's 3, 5, 7, and 8.

i used the face and head structure to do my facial design.

Moving on from that i went on to do the kimono dress and it's pattern's, it was difficult as first to get the flow of the kimono right, however after a few tries i got a pose i liked, then started to add value and colours to it as well as coming up with patterns to create, they where probably the hardest out of all of them. 

Female Figure Proportions
before I created these images, I had to learn about getting proportions right, where the light and shadows hit the body and the clothes, so it looks like the body is moving.  This helped a lot in the overall result because it gave me a good chance to see how my kimono would look with some value added to it.

Arrow's follow where the light and shadow hits the body.

first attempt at clothes.

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