Wednesday 19 November 2014

Light's, Colour's & ac... i mean Shadows

Getting the correct lighting in an image is crucial as it is needed to create depth and realism. Without light there is no colour, form or distance.
There are 3 ways that light works:
Absorption - This is where light is absorbed by darker colours
Reflection - This is where light rebounds off shiny surfaces
Refraction - This is where colour is soaked in through translucent and lighter colours and bent in a different direction.

Our Mini Task:
choose two pictures and analysis the lighting in them.

In this image, we have many light sources, the biggest one coming from the sky in the background, this is giving the mountains at the back more distance from the rocks at the front.  the second major light source seems to be the sunlight coming from the left, The light has been reflected off the cliffs and rocks, it is lighting up the majority of the cliff on the right and the building. the pathway is very lit up because their isn't as much blocking the light from the sun, while the hills and trees at the front block a majority of the sun from getting onto the front fields. One side of the building is a lot darker as it is on the opposite side to where the sun is facing, however, it isn't so dark to completely cut off any sight of the right side.

It seems as though the main light source is coming from behind the painting on the left, i'm guessing it is the sun being able to get through the clouds, there are other light sources coming from further down the valley, i'm not sure whether they are from street lights in the buildings, or from the sky, however with the sky option it seems unlikely due to the darkish clouds in the background which block the sun's rays from lighting up the other end of the valley.  In the centre on the piece there is a shiny but of light coming from on top of one of the buildings, and a few more light sources coming from the engine's of the vehicles in the sky, also the centre building is reflecting the sun's light off it's windows.

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